Wednesday, December 10, 2014

So I'm Graduating This Week

December 11, 2014. The day that I will attend my last class (at least as an undergrad - haven't totally ruled out grad school yet) in college.

That's crazy. Like Crazy with a capital C. It's out of sane, that's what it is. "Out of sane" is like "out of control" and "insane" had sex and a Crazy word baby popped out.

So yeah. Graduating? Pretty out of sane.

It has been an out of sane 3.5 years.

A little back story... I was in my high school's graduating class of 2011. In high school I took three AP classes that earned me 18 units in total. 18 units is kinda a lot. They equal approximately six classes, more than a typical semester of college. So I started the Fall 2011 semester at San Francisco State University a semester in.

Fast forward to now... This is my last week of school and I am graduating a semester early from the "average" four years.

Now I don't want to give all the credit to those AP classes. I also took at least five classes every semester and worked my butt off. I passed every class and got a variety of A's and B's. I'm usually not one to toot my own horn outside of my close family and friends but... TOOT EFFIN TOOT. I'm proud of myself and I'm graduating so this is my moment, okay?

A lot of hard work and now a lot of hard goodbyes.

I've already said goodbye to a few friends that I'm not sure when or where or if I will see them again. (I had to do this with friends that graduated last year too, but it seems weirder when I'm the one that is leaving.) Tuesday, I said goodbye to a professor and advisor that has helped me so much with school and life and inspires me to be as cool and awesome and bad ass as she is.

In the next couple days, I'm going to have to say goodbye to so many more people that have helped me figure out what kind of human I want to be. That's hard. Moving on and starting a new chapter of life is hard. Leaving the safety of school and classes and assignments and professors and classmates is hard. Who is going to kick my butt and force me to write scripts and think analytically about things and let me host a radio show? Not many people in the "real world."

Saying goodbye to friends is hard. From now on, hanging out with a group of old friends is going to require trips and plane rides and scheduling and taking time off from work.

I know it's not really "goodbye," it's "see you later." Especially with social media and the wonders of 21st century technology, it is pretty easy to stay in touch with friends on the internet.

But it's not the same!

I, of course, love the internet. I spend most of my free-time somehow connected to it. However, I also really enjoy face to face human interaction.

So graduating is hard. Growing up is hard. Figuring out what the hell the next step in my life is is hard. Holy poop knuckles. What am I doing with my life?? ANXIETY. AAAAHHH!

I'll save that for another post.

I should get back to finishing my final projects and dealing with the fast-approaching life post-college. I'm scared. Wish me luck!

Thanks for reading!

P.S. Are you graduating? How do you feel? Isn't this crazy??
Did you already graduate? How the heck are you doing? How did you deal with graduating? Wasn't it crazy??
Are you still enjoying the college life? CHERISH IT.

I'd love to see your answers and comments below!


  1. GREAT POST! Here are my ten thoughts:

    1) This was written so well
    2) Your use of .gifs is totally on point. Especially steve and spongebob.
    3) GOD I'm so sad about leaving people too. We have to hang out on Thursday, like for sure (unless we are drowning in the storm). We HAVE TO. Maybe I can still come on the show.
    4) You have literally become one of my favorite people. I seriously think you're so funny and you are going to do something awesome, I know it.
    5) WHEN WE BOTH LIVE IN NY that will be the craziest of all crazy things. I will love that so much.
    6) Congratulations, seriously! It IS hard work and you should be proud! I finally got myself to acknowledge that I'm proud that I'm graduating, and it's nice!
    7) YES. It IS crazy.
    8)Ugh I love you
    9) Ugh I love your blog
    10) I'm literally going to miss our Thursdays!!!!!

    1. BEEEEEEEENNNN!!! STAHP I AM TEARY-EYED RIGHT NOW. I am so glad we have become closer friends this semester. NY IS going to be the craziest of all crazy things and I am so ready to embrace the crazy with you. I am so inspired by you and your humor and website. Ugh I love you too. Ugh I love your blog too.


      Noooooo. :(((( I didn't get to say goodbye to you or anyone else! I am so sad. WTFFFFFFF

  2. I actually teared up reading this! I'm going to miss you so much, especially being on the radio with you. And our 8 hour lunch breaks!!! But I know you're going to be super successful thanks to all your hard work. Also, you have a hella rad personality! I'm gonna miss that vibrant energy next semester and like forever...Even if I won't be seeing you that often, I'm still one of your biggest fans and friend. Seriously can't wait to see you on SNL one day soon! I love you Marno!!!! <3

    1. I am going to miss YOU so much! I am so sad that I won't see you tomorrow or host our radio show or have our eight hour long lunch. Fuck this storm, man. Over it. I said this earlier, but I'm going to say it again... IF IT ISN'T RIVERS IN THE STREETS TOMORROW I WILL BE LIVID. Thank you thank you so much for the nice words. I admire your talent and passion so much. I can't wait to see you make a positive difference in this scary world. You bring the hardcore social justice op-eds and I'll bring the laughs that help people cope. It's a deal! Perf. Look at us. Wow. Go team!
